Wow, I just realized that I haven't blogged in over a year...time flies!!
So what is new? Everything and nothing. We lost our Pumpkin, the "Little Lion" on September 9th, 2009, to renal disease. I do believe he lead us to Farley cat, also called "Far Far", on October 6th, 2009...hours before he was to be euthanized at a "kill shelter". During this time, we were hit with the H1N1/Swine Flu...and, yes, it WAS as bad as it was deemed to be. There were times I wished someone would just shoot me to get me out of my misery...obviously, this did not happen as I am still here to talk about it! I had a spiritual awakening which has, I believe, made me a better person...yes, I am "born again" but I won't be shoving religion down anyone's throat so don't go running away quite yet. I got sick of weight gained after 2 years of non-stop illnesses....if I was going to gain weight, I would rather have eaten bon bons and candy and pizza and more. I SLOWLY started an exercise program and have slowly but steadily been losing it and toning up. Bringing sexy back haha...well, maybe not but I do feel and look better. My Dad turned 91 on July 1st...what a milestone! I am Blessed he is with us but, the last year, he has declined and I've started having to take care of things for him...hiring a housekeeper, gardener and cooking meals so he doesn't eat canned soup. Believe me, I'm not complaining...I've got the best Dad ever and whatever he needs, it will get done for him. I've also seen him decline physically which pains me but he is such a trooper and never complains. His knees both him, injections didn't help nor did a cane so we got him approved for a "Jazzy"...which he got last week. He hated the idea at first but now is having fun with it...no popping any wheelies yet haha! He only will use as needed but it will help immensely at times. Saw Huey Lewis and the News at the Silver Legacy in Reno...what a fun day! Met other Hulettes from the forum for a pre-show dinner and the concert rocked!! On the way home, stopped at Boomtown and won $150...nice way to end the night! Recently, went to Monterey/Carmel for the day...I never tire of the scenic CA coast. I always come back feeling so refreshed and had a winderful dinner on Cannery Row at a restaurant called The Fish Hopper. Good food, nice atmosphere and a beautiful view of Monterey Bay.
Other than that, still fighting ailments but meeting many others online who have CFIDS, EI and Fibromyalgia...wonderful to have a support system after so many years. Still love music and am addicted to MP3 downloads...there goes the bank account. Still love taking pics with my digital camera...very amateur, I'm sure, but I enjoy the creativity of just the right shot. Still spoil the pets...Far Far and Brat Brandy, hard to believe Brandy will be 11 in one day! Still married...25 years and counting. Having a blast with watching baseball...my Giants are in the first series of playoffs, GO GIANTS. Sometimes I think life could be better...and it could. But, overall, life is really good :)